
My invocation of imaginary glory in this world

By Abdul Haye Amin
Relationship My invocation of imaginary glory in this world. By Abdul Haye Amin.
My invocation of imaginary glory in this world. By Abdul Haye Amin.

My invocation of imaginary glory in this world
“Nothing will remain statues of myself to hold on to,

To treasure on earth those who loved me the most?
Nor there will be any lovers to share the beauty I see reflection on my eyes?

My invocation of imaginary glory in this world but
Only the shadow glory of God will last and shine?
Prostrates another word in the name of church worship

To answer if I ever was duly observed to remain faithful in his Kingdom of God?

Your name and dignity never will wash away
Linda Mabrouk the Psychiatry nurse in London to see

Other to witness you was only once there on earth?
What price in life I leave for other to follow my foot step?

Indeed I was regarded enemy of all
The creation on universes eyes can far as I see
My name was never recorded by any board of education

Because I never was educated in school.
Sure there will be require no qualification to enter the Gate

The price of graveyard it free to admission on earth

Only those who ignorance in the name of my God?
My revelation on universes was I mistaken by my thought?

Otherwise, believers seek only excuse for natural death?

Even believer refuse to advocate or to proclaim my name

In the ocean of none-believers domiciles states
When they seen fire of Punishment themselves burning

Entered Nero-disability unit hospital beds alive
No one to secure their health I have once given free of charge.

Medication, medication none believer only think of
Other than my name to secure my his or her health
My invocation of imaginary picture of glory
In this world will never last
But Linda Mabrouk I only see why
My god only yours name! On earth”

Just in....