
Galamsey: GAWU raises alarm over potential loss of Ghana's position as word's second-largest cocoa producer

Agriculture Galamsey: GAWU raises alarm over potential loss of Ghana's position as word's second-largest cocoa producer

The General Agricultural Workers Union (GAWU) has raised alarm over the potential loss of Ghana's esteemed position as the world's second-largest cocoa producer if urgent measures are not taken to safeguard cocoa farms from illegal mining activities.

This caution follows revelations by Joseph Boahen Aidoo, Chief Executive Officer of the Ghana Cocoa Board, that the organization had to refund $250 million obtained from the African Development Bank for irrigation projects in cocoa farms due to water contamination from mining activities.

Edward Kareweh, General Secretary of GAWU, emphasized that Ghana's leading position in cocoa production is under threat as other countries adopt sustainable environmental practices to surpass Ghana. He expressed concern that escalating water pollution in farming areas is driving more farmers to abandon cocoa cultivation.

Kareweh lamented the plight of cocoa farmers who are being compelled to sell their farms due to water pollution caused by illegal mining activities. He criticized the government's apparent indifference to the issue, highlighting the brazen encroachment of cocoa farms by illegal miners.

"The illegal miners will flood your farms with all the dirty water and will take your farm by force. You cannot even enter the farm again. It is so pathetic and heartbreaking that we can sit down and allow such a monumental criminal act to continue. This crime is against generations to come," Kareweh expressed in dismay.

He warned that if prompt action is not taken, Ghana risks losing its production capacity and ultimately its esteemed reputation as the producer of premium cocoa beans. The urgency of addressing this threat cannot be overstated, as the consequences extend far beyond the current generation.

Ghana currently holds the prestigious status of being the second-largest producer of cocoa globally, trailing behind Ivory Coast. The country is renowned for producing premium cocoa beans, making its commodity highly sought after worldwide.

Daniel Owusu
Daniel Owusu

News ReporterPage: DanielOwusu
