
Election 2024: Interior Minister warns against election violence, pledges impartial enforcement of law

Elections Election 2024: Interior Minister warns against election violence, pledges impartial enforcement of law

The Minister of Interior, Henry Quartey, has issued a strong warning against any individuals inciting violence before, during, or after the 2024 general elections, emphasizing that they will face consequences regardless of their political affiliation.

This declaration comes in response to reported incidents of violence at the ongoing limited voter registration exercise, which resulted in the arrest of Collins Dauda, the Member of Parliament for Asutifi South.

Addressing the media in Accra, Henry Quartey reiterated his department's dedication to ensuring a peaceful electoral process.

"Let me emphasize once again, you know my track record, I follow through with my words. Anyone who deviates from the prescribed conduct will face the full force of the law, with due process in a competent court of law," stated Quartey.

He further emphasized that any enforcement actions would not be driven by political bias, asserting, "It will not be political vindictiveness. Regardless of the perpetrator's identity, we will ensure that the law is upheld."

Quartey also assured that the New Patriotic Party (NPP) is committed to a peaceful transition of power should they not emerge victorious in the upcoming elections.

"As a political party, we hope, believe, and pray that the people of this nation will grant us another mandate based on the progress and development we have achieved. However, if they choose otherwise, we will gracefully hand over power and prepare for the future," Quartey affirmed.

He concluded with optimism, saying, "Though challenges may arise, we remain confident in the grace of God, and we are determined to continue our work for the betterment of our nation, with faith that we will return stronger."

Daniel Owusu
Daniel Owusu

News ReporterPage: DanielOwusu
