Sat, 04 May 2024 Social News

TUC tells informal sector employers to pay their employees the minimum wage

TUC tells informal sector employers to pay their employees the minimum wage

The Trade Union Congress (TUC) has urged the informal sector employers to endeavor to pay their employees not below the minimum wage of GH¢18.15 as agreed by the national tripartite committee representing both workers, government and employers in the country.

The Union, in an interview with the media in Sunyani on Thursday, expressed grief about the poor conditions of service for some non-permanent workers in both public and the private sector.

Mr. Alfred Tetteh, the Bono East, Ahafo and Bono Regions Chairman of TUC stated "it is unlawful to pay your worker below the minimum wage, deny them salary increment, leave, allowances and others they have to enjoy.

He said per the Labour Law, casual workers are also equally entitled to the better working conditions of service as well as other benefits including the Social Security and National Insurance Trust (SSNIT) contributions, per the Labour Law.

Mr. Tetteh implored workers in both formal and informal sectors and casual workers to always have and demonstrate positive attitude towards work with commitment to effectively contribute to nation building.

Richard Kofi Boahen
Richard Kofi Boahen

Bono, Bono East and Ahafo CorrespondentPage: RichardBoahen
